Jan, 1939
| First Things First
| The Holy Sabbath: 1. Introduction
| Family Worship
Feb, 1939
| Rejoicing in the Lord
| The Holy Sabbath: 2. Its Institution
Mar, 1939
| Spiritual Fluctuations
| The Holy Sabbath: 3. Its History
| God's Grace and Peter
| Our Advocate
Apr, 1939
| The Beauty of Holiness
| The Holy Sabbath: 4. Its Renewal
| Christ Fulfilling the Law
May, 1939
| Ministerial Thieves
| The Holy Sabbath: 5. Its Pollution
| The Two Natures
| "The Mother of Jesus"
Jun, 1939
| Faithfulness
| The Holy Sabbath: 6. Its Perpetuation
| The Two Natures
| 1 Peter 2:25
Jul, 1939
| Bible Study
| The Holy Sabbath: 6. Continued
Aug, 1939
| Spiritual Nourishment
| The Holy Sabbath: 7. Its Christianization
| Enjoying Creation
| Divine Wisdom
Sep, 1939
| Suffering Saints
| The Holy Sabbath: 7. Continued
| A Tender Heart
Oct, 1939
| Spiritual Nurses
| The Holy Sabbath: 7. Continued
| A Tender Heart
Nov, 1939
| Mortified Eyes
| The Holy Sabbath: 7. Continued
| A Tender Heart
Dec, 1939
| Last Things Last
| The Holy Sabbath: 8. Its Observance