| New Moon - 1 Adar - February
7, 2000 |
 | 3 Adar 3245 - The
Second Temple was completed in Jerusalem 71 years after the destruction of the first. The
Second Temple was not as ornate as the first and many of the sacred objects of the first
were missing, such as the Ark, Aaron's staff, the jar of Manna. Also not present were the
Urim V'tumin by which the high priest could consult God and the "divine fire"
which lit the sacrifices (Yoma 21b). Outwardly, it was greatly beautified by Herod in 20
BCE. |
 | 7 Adar 2488
(February 23, 1352 BCE) - Traditional date of the death of Moses.
He was also born on the same date 120 years earlier.
 | In Israel, Adar 7 has been "officially designated as
the day for commemorating the death of Israel soldiers whose last resting place is
unknown." (Source: Ency. Judaica) |
 | February 13, 2000: Outline of
final peace with PA deadline |
 | 20 February 1422: Pope Martin
V (1417-31) issued a Bull reminding Christians that Christianity was derived from Judaism
and warned the Friars not to incite against the Jews. The Bull was withdrawn the following
year alleging that the Jews of Rome attained the Bull by fraud. |
 | February 22 ,1980 - The
Israeli government introduces a new currency, the shekel, which replaces the Israeli
pound. |
 | February 23, 1921 - Rabbi
Abraham Isaac Kook and Rabbi Ya'akov Meir are elected the first two chief Rabbis of
pre-state Israel. |
 | March 1, 131 BCE: Syrian
General Nicanor was defeated in a battle with the Maccabees. Nicanor, who previously
boasted that he would burn the Temple to the ground, was killed near Jerusalem. |
 | Mar 02 - Moon
occults Neptune |
 | Mar 04 - Moon
Occults Uranus and Venus; Venus Passes 0.3 Degrees From Uranus
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