E. W. Bullinger
Philologos Religious Online Books
The Official Organ of Prophetic Conferences.
E. W. Bullinger
The Apostolic Testimony to Jerusalem
Contributed Articles:
1. A Sign and A Stumbling-Block
Matthew 12
By Rev. Jas. C. Smith, Hoylake
2. The Structure of the Books of the New Testament
By the Rev. Dr. Bullinger
Conference Addresses:
The Hope of His Calling
By Rev. Dr. Bullinger
(At the Mildmay Prophetic Conference, Oct, 1896)
Selected Gleanings:
1. "A Zeal of God"
Romans 10:2-4
2. The Inspiration of Jeremiah
Questions and Answers:
1. A Lover of Music
2. "Will you explain the difference between the Sabbath and Sunday?"
3. "Will you please explain Acts 21:23-27? Why did Paul take a vow on himself?"
4. Question on Dr. Anderson's book "The Literal Interpretation of Scripture"
Signs of the Times:
Jewish Signs
1. "The Zionists and Palestine"
a. Rebuilding of the Temple of Jerusalem
b. Material for the Temple Already Ordered
c. The Tomb of Moses
Religious Signs:
1. "Citizen Sunday"
2. "The New Orthodoxy"
3. Romish Bazaar in a Parish Church Hall
4. Wesleyans and Dead Ministers
5. Man-Made Churchmen and Backsliders
6. A Sensation in the Pulpit
7. The Latest Thing in Religions
Editor's Table:
Three New Works by Dr. Bullinger
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