Jan, 1935
| Union and Communion: Introduction
| Divine Guidance
| Vainglory
| Desires Unrealized
Feb, 1935
| Union and Communion: Introduction Completed
| Following the Cloud
| Anxiety
Mar, 1935
| Union and Communion: 1. Divine Union
| Spiritual Oneness
Apr, 1935
| Union and Communion: 1. Completed
| Evil Speaking
May, 1935
| Union and Communion: 2. Mediatorial
| Christ in Glory
Jun, 1935
| Union and Communion: 2. Continued
| Christ in Glory
| A Satanic Device
Jul, 1935
| Union and Communion: 2. Completed
Aug, 1935
| Self-Crucifixion
| Sanctified Affliction and Pride Contrasted
| Grievances
Sep, 1935
| Union and Communion: 3. Mystical
| Crucified with Christ
Oct, 1935
| Union and Communion: 3. Continued
| A Morning Prayer
| An Evening Prayer
| Perfect Peace
Nov, 1935
| Union and Communion: 3. Completed
| Unpardonable Sin
Dec, 1935
| Union and Communion: 4. Federal