Code: The Future and Beyond, Vol. 2 Astounding New Discoveries
Found in the Bible Code!
From http://www.biblecodesecrets.com:
"After the amazing discovery by Israeli scientists of an encrypted Bible
Code found in the Hebrew text of the Old Testament, researchers worldwide have been making
new discoveries about the past, present, and future. They have also been putting the Bible
Code to work in archaeological, industrial, military, and religious applications. Numerous
new Bible Code discoveries are shared about historical Bible characters, trees, the
chemical elements, Albert Einstein, Jesus, Messianic prophecies, Christ's crucifixion,
John Glenn's trip into space, hurricanes Georges and Mitch, the McGwire-Sosa baseball
home-run race, and more. This program also examines how the code is being used as a
predictive tool in finding the Ark of the Covenant, oil in Israel, gathering military
intelligence, and how researchers are finding themselves and their families in the code.
Winner of the Dove Family Approved Seal Award and the Film Advisory Board Excellence
Award. A PAX-TV World Premiere TV Special."
45 minutes
$19.95 each