Prophecies About Mysticism Hollywood and the Music Industry
by William Josiah Sutton
Mass Market Paperback - 382 pages (October 1999)
The Institute of Religious Knowledge
ISBN: 0917013018
Available at:
This book is one of a five part series. It is written so that it can be read
as a stand-alone treatise on this subject. The Table of Contents is very
thorough and will give you all the information you need to determine whether
this is something you wish to purchase or not. One word of caution, though:
there are some conclusions by the author which I strenuously object to, but they
do not include any historical references.
Chapter I: The Mystical Teachings of the Nation of Islam (Black
- The proposed Mystical Communal Government and the Three
Woes pronounced against the Inhabitants of this Planet who practice and
promote Spiritualism (Mysticism).
- Sufism and the Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism) are being
promoted Today by Hollywood’s Most Well-Known Celebrities.
- The Marcus Garvey Movement and Noble Drew Ali’s Moorish
Science Temple and the KKK.
- Mystic Wallace Fard a.k.a. Allah or God and the Founding of
the Nation of Islam.
- Elijah Poole a.k.a. Elijah Muhammad.
- Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali.
- Former Calypso Singer Louis Farrakhan and his Black
Separatist Beliefs.
- The Recycling of the Black Egyptian Religion within the
Nation of Islam is luring Blacks away from Christianity.
- The Events that occurred at the Time of Moses and the
Pharaoh of Egypt are just a Shadow of what shall come upon the Whole World.
Chapter II. The Mystical Teachings of Joseph Smith and the Parallels
Between the Illuminati Plan and Mormonism
- Joseph Smith was a Mystic, Diviner, and a Freemason, not a
Prophet of God.
- Smith claims to have had Numerous Visits from
Extraterrestrial Visitors who were God-Men.
- Smith taught that Humans pre-existed as Eternal Spirits and
are in a Process here on Earth to become gods. Smith’s Secret Priesthoods
of the Aaronic and Melchizedek Orders were stolen from Freemasonry.
- The Most Bizarre and Distinctive Doctrines of the LDS
Church are revealed in their Temple Ceremony.
- The Mormon Church is a Religion within a Religion.
- Joseph Smith, the American Muhammad.
- Smith claimed that God had ordained Him to usher in the
Kingdom of God and planned to overthrow all Governments by using
- Joseph Smith practiced Divination and supposedly translated
the Book of Mormon by using Peepstones.
- After denying the Mormon Connection with Freemasonry for
some 150 years, today the Mormon Hierarchy boasts of having a more Superior
Knowledge of Freemasonry; and They now believe that the Freemasons are a
Counterfeit of the Latter-day Saints.
- The Mysterious Parallels between the Illuminati Conspiracy
and Mormonism.
- The Council of Fifty and Smith’s Plan for a One-Word
Communal (Communistic) Government to be set up under his Priesthood.
- The dangerous Rivalry between Freemasonry and Mormonism and
how Smith and his Brother were murdered by an Angry Mob on June 27,
- Brigham Young carries out Smith’s Plans.
- The Solomon Spaulding Novel and the Real Truth behind the
Gold Plates (the Book of Mormon).
- Sir Richard Burton’s Visit in 1860 with Mormon Leaders in
Salt Lake; and His analysis of what their Religion of Mormonism really was
and the Mormons’ Response.
Chapter III. The Mystical Teachings of Zoroaster, Buddha, and the Dalai
- Satan, the Seven-Headed Dragon.
- “As Ye have heard that Antichrist shall come.”
- Zoroastrianism and Ahura Mazda, the God of Fire.
- Zarathushtra (Zoroaster) was not a Prophet of the God of
Abraham; he was a Wizard of Spiritualism.
- St. Francis of Assisi and his Connection with
- Zoroaster, Father of the Chaldean Oracles and the Kabbalah,
the Jewish Book of Magic.
- They Sacrificed unto Devils, not to God.
- White and Black Magic Deceptions.
- Mystical Union Deceptions.
- John of the Cross’, Teresa of Avila’s, Thomas Aquinas’,
and Augustine’s Ties with Mysticism.
- The Dead know not Anything.
- Siddhartha Gautama and Buddhism and its Claims.
- Christians are uniting Themselves with Buddhism.
- The Dalai Lama and his Claims.
- Actor Richard Gere and his Connection with the Dalai Lama
and Buddhism.
- Harrison and Melissa Ford and the Promotion of Tibetan
- Actor Steven Seagal and his Connection with Tibetan
Chapter IV. The Mystical Teachings of Muhammad and the Historical Facts
about Allah and his Kaaba Shrine
- Sutton’s Conversion from the Entertainment Field to
- The Dangers behind Martial Arts.
- More Shocking Truths about the Order of the “Mystic
Shrine” of Freemasonry and its Islamic Connection.
- More Shocking Truths about the Origin of the Five-Pointed
Star seen in the American and Islamic Flags.
- More about the Kabbalah, the Jewish Book of Magic.
- Islamic Mysticism and its Claim of having an Immortal Sufi
Master called KHIDR, who is believed to be a Jew.
- Sufi Masters are the Mystics and Poets of Islam.
- The Shocking Truths behind the Wearing of the Shriner’s
Red Fez.
- Sufism and the Origin of the Koran (Qur’an).
- Islam’s Claim that the Angel Gabriel had visited
- The Koran rejects Jesus as the Son of God and states that
Allah’s Curse be on Those that do.
- Illuminism originally derived out of Sufism.
- The Origin of all Oriental Mysticism traces back to Hermes
of whom the Muslims call the Prophet Idris.
- The Invading Arabian Saracens.
- How Muhammad began his Career.
- Why the Muslims built the Dome of the Rock on the Ruins of
the Old Jewish Temple Area.
- How the Saints and Gods of Ancient Mysticism can be traced
back to Nimrod and his Family.
- The Names Sheitan and Teitan mean Satan.
- The Mystic-King Attila and his Claims.
- How Lucifer counterfeited the Names of the God of
- How Muslims view Apostate Christians.
- An Appeal to my Muslim Reader.
- Who the God Allah really is in History.
Chapter V. The Prophecy of the Rise of the Star of Islam
- How Islam’s Founder was foretold in the Book of
- Jesus warns His People about the Intoxicating Influences of
- Why Jesus symbolizes His True People as His Virgins.
- Why Islam is Part of “Babylon the Great.”
- The Star of Islam is given a Key to the Bottomless
- The Koran symbolizes Muhammad as a “Declining Star” who
arose again as the “Morning Star.”
- Muhammad wanted a One-World Islamic Government
- A Key given to open the Mysteries of the Book of Revelation
and the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God.
- “My Sheep hear My Voice.”
- Islam claims Muhammad received his Revelations while
practicing a Meditative Trance and Gabriel appeared to him.
- Understanding the “Five Months” and the Hour, and a
Day, and a Month, and a Year Prophecies of Revelation, Chapter Nine.
- Understanding the First Woe and the Two Woes More.
- The King (Angel) of the Bottomless Pit gives his Declining
Star (Muhammad) a Key that unlocks the Mysteries of Mysticism.
- The Muslim Invaders are symbolized as Plagues of Two Forms
of Locusts: the Solitary Phase and the Gregarious Phase.
- Muslim Hordes had Two Different Ruling Powers: First under
the Arabs and Secondly under the Asians.
- Understanding the Shapes of the Locusts in Bible
- Two Hundred Thousand Thousand (200 Million) Destroying
- The Plague of Locusts (Muslims) was upon Apostate Romans
(Catholics), Greek Christians (Byzantine), Zoroastrians (Persians), and
Buddhists who obeyed not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- The Historical Accuracy of the Muslims who were foretold
“as Swarms of Locusts” who plagued the Mediterranean Area under the
First Wave of the Arabs and then again under the Asians (Turks).
- The Threat of Islam today upon Those who do not have the
Seal of the Living God in their Foreheads.
- How Muslims are divided into Different Beliefs.
- Muslims believe in an Al-Mahdi (Messiah) who is coming to
conquer All Religions and make Islam a Universal State.
- How Muslims are conditioned to be fooled into receiving the
Antichrist (Satan) when He appears in These Last Days as Christ.
- Understanding More about the First and Second Woes foretold
in Revelation, Chapter Nine, which Islam would inflict upon the Non- Muslim
Old World Inhabitants.
- How the Arab Dominion of Islam shifted to the Asians
- “One Woe is past; and, Behold, there come Two Woes More
- The Amazing Fulfilled Prophecies about the Fall of the
Muslim Turks (Ottoman Empire) which was 100% accurately pointed out
beforehand by Josiah Litch.
Chapter VI. Sufism and the Birth of the Hippie Countercultural
- More Understanding about the Angel, the Locusts, and the
Beast from the Bottomless Pit.
- The Secret Societies of Freemasonry and the Illuminati are
just a Continuation of Sufism (Islamic Mysticism).
- There are Three Different Beasts in the Prophecies of the
Book of Revelation.
- Shocking Revelations from the Sufi Teacher Idries Shah
about the Rosicrucians, the Freemasons, and the Illuminati.
- The Game of Chess was an Invention of Sufism.
- A Mystical Marriage with Allah.
- Dag Hammarskjold, former UN Secretary General, was a
- Sufi Masters communicate with Jinns (Demons).
- “Use not Vain Repetitions, as the Heathen do.”
- Albert Pike, Past Grand High Priest and Sovereign Grand
Commander of Masonry and His Connection with the Kabbalah.
- The Kabbalah is Jewish Mysticism a.k.a. Jewish Theosophy in
which both Sufism and Freemasonry are rooted and grounded.
- Madonna, Roseanne, Elizabeth Taylor, and Barbra Streisand
openly admit to being involved in the Kabbalah (Jewish Mysticism).
- The Holy Scriptures forbid the Teaching of the Doctrines
found in the Kabbalah.
- Ioannes Paulus Secundo (John Paul II in Latin) adds to
- Western Buddhists and a Sufi discover how Similar their
Beliefs are.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan, a Musician, Poet, and Sufi Master,
brings Sufism to America.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan founded the First Sufi Order in San
Francisco in 1910.
- Hazrat Inayat Khan, Granddaddy of the “Flower Children”
and the “Hippie Movement.”
- Western Sufism (introduced by the Poet, Musician, and Sufi
Master, Hazrat Inayat Khan) not only kindled the “Hippie Movement,” but
also other Non-Muslim Orders Throughout the World.
VII. Ancient Prophecies about Hollywood and the Music Industry
- Lucifer was the Master Musician in Heaven.
- Showbiz Folk are preferring Buddhism, Scientology, and New
Age Teachings.
- Gurus Deepak Chopra and Marianne Williamson.
- Michael Jackson is a New Ager and a Follower of Deepak
- John Travolta and Scientology.
- Madonna’s New Image and Her Connection with New Age
- Pan, the God of Music.
- The Parallels Today between French Revolutionists and New
Age Occult Revolutionaries.
- George Bernard Shaw, a Marxist Revolutionist.
- Congressman Pernell Thomas and the House Committee on Un-
American Activities exposed Communist Infiltration in the Entertainment
- The Infamous Hollywood Ten and Lucille Ball.
- Roman Catholics and Mormons use(d) the Stage to promote a
Better Image of Themselves.
- The Parallels Between the Music Festival at Mt. Horeb
(Sinai) and that of the Woodstock 1969 Music Festival.
- The Festival of Hate and the Rolling Stones.
- The Atlantean Plan, the Illuminati, and the Theosophical
- The Fabian Society, Mahatma Gandhi, and Helen Keller’s
Connection with the Marxist Revolution.
- Allan Bennett, a Buddhist Monk, recruits Aleister
- Aleister Crowley becomes the Father of Death-Rock Music and
the Occult Musicians/Revolutionaries.
- Mick Jagger’s Connection with the Marxist Fabian Society
and the Occult Revolution.
- The Beastie Boys “rap” for Buddha.
- Richard Alpert a.k.a. Baba Ram Dass, a New Age
- Sri Chimnoy and Kundalini Yoga.
- Carlos Santana, Musician and Songwriter, at 1969 Woodstock
and his Connection with the New Age, Occult Revolution.
Chapter VIII. How the New Age, Occult Revolution was and is Promoted Among
the Student Population from the 40s to the 90s and how Americans are being
Conditioned to Accept Socialism (Communal Living)
- The Prophecy about Mainstream Christians’ “falling away”
- Ann Lee, the Shaking Quakers, and Pentecostalism.
- Elvis Presley and his Wild, Ecstatic, Pentecostal, Musical
Childhood and how He was led to cross over into singing Songs about
- Elvis Presley, a Victim of New Age Pantheism, who died that
- John Lennon became a Marxist Revolutionist and died that
- Abbie Hoffman, the Anarchist, and the Lennons were
- More Revolutionary History about the Beatles.
- Luiz Antonio Gasparetto and the Occult Science of
- Mick Jagger and the Promotion of Satanism through his
- The Revolutionary and Shaman Jim Morrison and how He died
that Way.
- The 1969 Woodstock Nation, a Symbol and Model of the
Atlantean Socialist Plan.
- Crosby, Stills, and Nash and Hippie Politicking.
- The Who, the Godfathers of Punk-Rock, and Daltrey’s
Socialist Dream.
- Recorded History about Communism/Marxism in the Music
- Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, Bob Dylan, and Joan Baez and
what They contributed to the Cause of the Marxist/Socialist
- Martin Luther King, Jr. and the Highlander Folk School
(Communist Front) which was seized and sold by the Tennessee State
- Gandhi was not a Christian, but He was a New Age Marxist
Revolutionary and died that Way.
- American Soldiers in the Vietnam War received “Friendly
Fire” from Famous Names in Hollywood, the Music Industry, and Apostate
- “Gangsta Rap” and “Gospel Rap.”
- More about John Lennon’s War on Christ and His
- Megadeth and the Promotion of Anarchy through their
- Antichrist Superstar’s Marilyn Manson and the Promotion
of Anarchy.
- The Dangers of Computer Games.
- Sufism and Kabbalism are promoted in Children’s Books and
- How Jesus is calling His People, who are tired of being
Evil, to Him.
- “Him that cometh to Me I will in No Wise cast out.”
- Theocratic Forms of Government have enslaved Masses.
- Jesus will soon put an End to the Pied Piper’s Communal
- The Destruction and the Cleansing of the World by
- Understanding the Correct Doctrine about the Thousand-Year
Reign of Christ.
- When Satan will finally be Destroyed.
- There is coming a New Heaven and a New Earth.
- The Kingdom of Christ will be Forever.