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God at
Ground Zero : The Manhattan Project and a Scientist's Discovery of Christ the
by Curt Sewell
Paperback - 300 pages (August 1997)
Master Books
ISBN: 0890511764
Available at:

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Description: The personal story of Sewell's involvement in the Manhattan
Project in World War II, as a young engineer shipped to a mysterious New Mexico
location, the occasion is the testing of the world's first atomic bomb, and how
he moved from a world based on evolutionary teachings, to new life in Christ. He
combines this with a scientist's study of origins. Sewell begins by recalling
the terror and awesomeness of the first atomic bomb, his own journey to Christ,
eventually embracing the Genesis account of the world's beginnings. He explores
the evidence for God and the incredible complexity we see in our world. He
addresses geology, philsophy, continental drift, the fossil record, and dating
methods employed by science. Contains technical information written in an easy
to read style for the layman.