Perpetual Flame: Offering Acceptable Worship Unto God
by Jamie L. Perez
Paperback - 505 pages
March 2001
Writers Club Press/iUniverse.com
ISBN: 059517583X
Available at:
From the Preface
"This study focuses on the how of righteous living. I firmly
believe that it is not enough to intellectually agree with certain beliefs. Our
lives must show a change; otherwise the knowledge is useless. God did not leave
us on our own, nor did He give us permission to establish our own definition of
righteousness. He defined it for us. This book examines those instructions. God
told us what to do; now we need to do it our relationship with God depends
upon it.
...When I began this project, The Perpetual Flame was one volume. As I
entered into the mitzvot describing how God desires to be worshipped, the
size of this book made me realize that it deserved its own space. This volume
covers those mitzvot specifically related to worshipping God in an acceptable
manner... In many family situations, spouses have to guess what pleases the
other, and children and parents struggle to understand how to please each other.
God does not want us to guess on what pleases Him. He wants us to know so He
provided the answers. He did not want us to worship Him in ignorance, but in
spirit and truth. He gave us His Instructions on proper worship. This
book attempts to make those mitzvot clear, understandable and applicable
even to those who have never read the Torah before."
From the back cover
"Written in a study format, this in-depth, practical Bible study
can be used for personal, family or group discussions. Every lesson ends with
questions and answers to augment and reinforce what you have learned and
challenge you in your spiritual walk."