None of These Diseases: The Bibles Health
Secrets for the 21st Century
by S. I. McMillen, David E. Stern
Paperback - 228 pages
3rd Edition: June 2000
Fleming H Revell Co
ISBN: 080075719X
Available at:

Book Description
From back cover of 1998 paperback edition of classic work entitled "None of These Diseases: A famous doctor's biblical prescription for healthier and happier living":
Medical professionals agree that there is a link between physical health and spiritual and emotional well-being. So it follows that the Bible's prescriptions for living that relate to temperance, the protection and nourishment of the body and mind, and sanitation will promote good health and vitality. Dr. McMillen affirms, "God guaranteed a freedom from disease that modern medicine cannot duplicate." In None of These Diseases, he shows how medical science now supports the truths that have been in God's Word all along.