The Star That Astonished the World
by Ernest L. Martin
Paperback 2nd edition (August 1991)
Assc. for Scriptual Knowledge
ISBN: 0945657889
Available at:

From the ASK website:
"Over 600 planetariums around the world have been showing the new
discoveries recorded in this 280 page book. This research not only identifies
what the real star of the Wise Men was, it also reveals from the Bible the exact
date and time of day (within an hour and a half) of when Jesus was born. This
surprising information comes directly from the New Testament (with the
application of the science of astronomy). The research is backed up with
extensive reference to Roman and Jewish historical records and gives the
essential astronomical data that can make the New Testament account of the birth
of Jesus to be very understandable and also majestic beyond compare. There were
planetary conjunctions that happened in the heavens in the period when Jesus was
born (3 to 2 BC) about which modern astronomers have expressed awe and
astonishment. This is one book that all people interested in science and the
Bible should have. It is easy to read and understand.
"This volume has potential readers among those interested in astronomy,
astrology, early Roman history, mainline Christianity, students of Bible
Chronology and Prophecy, religious teachers and university professors."
New Video Presentation! 
"Produced (independently from ASK) as a joint effort by Griffith
Planetarium and MSNBC presented in under the topic 'Mysteries of the Universe'.
The presentation is based on the historical scenario in the latest edition of
Dr. Martin’s The Star That Astonished the World (1996). The
presentation acknowledges that Dr. Martin’s has the 'best solution' to the
celestial events, the 'signs in the heavens,' surrounding the birth of Jesus
"It has appeared on the MSNBC website after Thanksgiving for the past
three years. If you have not seen this before, you will gain an understanding of
what was seen by the Magi, in a very brief manner, when they came from the East
at the time of the Birth of Christ at September 11, 3 B.C., according to the