New Testament World : Insights from Cultural Anthropology
by Bruce J. Malina
Paperback - 250 pages
3rd Rev&ex edition (March 2001)
Westminster John Knox Pr
ISBN: 0664222951
Available at:
Philologos Comment
I really enjoyed this book and its insights into the norms and mores of the time
when Jesus walked the earth. Being American, most of the material regarding
everyday life in the Middle East at that time is somewhat foreign to me, my way
of thinking and my upbringing. This book will help clear up difficulties
encountered in the Gospels in the areas of: honor and shame, individual versus
group, social status, kinship and marriage and what is considered clean and
unclean. It is written in a relaxed, easy style and is a great resource for
studying the life and times of Jesus. I have made room for this fine work on my
shelves so that it will be at my fingertips when I need a first century reality