The Remnant: On the Brink of Armageddon Left Behind Series #10
Tim LaHaye & Jerry Jenkins
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Philologos review:
This whole series is one of my guilty pleasures. I don't usually read fiction and I am very disappointed in the way these books are marketed (very little writing on each page, never complete in themselves but always setting you up for the next book, etc.) yet that being the case, I find the gospel message presented throughout and can't help but hope that they are the first step to getting people to try and understand endtime events.
Description from Christianbook.com:
The Great Tribulation unfolds as the forces of evil and the armies of God prepare
for the ultimate battle that will decide the fate of mankind. The Tribulation Force's safe house
and aliases have been compromised and they are forced to flee for their lives. As the anger of
the Antichrist, Nicolae Carpathia, burns against them and other Christians, only a miracle of
God will save them.
Desecration: Antichrist Takes the Throne
Left Behind Series #9
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Description from Christianbook.com:
Nicolae Carpathia, now the total embodiment of evil desecrates the temple in
Jerusalem by entering and declaring himself god.
The Mark: The Beast Rules the World
Left Behind Series #8
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Description from Christianbook.com:
The evil world
leader Nicolae Carpathia officially takes his place as the Antichrist and begins his three and a
half year reign of terror over the earth. Technology provides the means to place the mark of
the beast on every human, and the Trib Force scrambles to survive
The Indwelling: The Beast Takes Possession
Left Behind Series #7
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Description from Christianbook.com:
The Indwellling, book number seven in the Left Behind series, marks the
beginning of the second half of the seven year Tribulation period. The question of who killed
Nicolae at the end of book number six, Assassins, will be answered. Readers will experience
the horrors of God's judgement and the hope of salvation as they follow Rayford, Buck, Chloe
and the rest of the Tribulation Force in heart-stopping action.
Assignment: Jerusalem, Target: Antichrist
Left Behind Series #6
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Description from Christianbook.com:
In this thrilling continuation of the Left Behind series, Rayford Steele struggles
with his desire to assassinate Nicolae Carpathia. He hopes it is his destiny to be the man to
stop Nicolae, but wonders whether it is actually part of God's plan. At the same time, Nicolae is
attempting to pinpoint the location of the believer's safehouse as he increases his world
power. Buck Williams, Chloe, Tsion and the others join in the fight against evil as time rushes
toward the important halfway point of the 7 year tribulation.
Apollyon: The Destroyer is Unleashed
Left Behind Series #5
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Description from Christianbook.com:
As the book opens, the antichrist's mistress is in turmoil over her
illegitimate pregnancy, Satan falls from heaven and opens the bottomless pit to release
Apollyon and his plague of locusts, and the Tribulation Force travels to Israel for a Conference
of Witnesses that leads to a showdown with Nicolae Carpathia!
Soul Harvest: The World Takes Sides
Left Behind Series #4
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Description from Christianbook.com:
The spine-tingling sequel to Nicolae opens
just after a devastating earthquake has rocked the planet. As Rayford Steele and Buck Williams
frantically search for their loved ones among the survivors, antichrist Nicolae Carpathia rages
against a sweeping evangelistic campaign. Will Carpathia succeed in crushing the greatest
revival the world has ever seen?
Nicolae: The Rise of Antichrist
Left Behind Series #3
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Description from Christianbook.com:
It's been nearly two years since the mass disappearances. Nicolae Carpathia has
become the head of the United Nations overnight, and pilot Rayford Steele, his daughter Chloe,
and journalist Buck Williams---all believers now---stand against him. But can they---or anyone
on Earth---overcome Nicolae?
Tribulation Force: The Continuing Drams of the those Left Behind
Left Behind Series #2
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Description from Christianbook.com:
The riveting sequel to Left Behind! God's people have vanished from Earth,
antichrist Nicolae Carpathia sits on the throne of power, and the six seals prophesied in
Revelation are being fulfilled one by one. The only hope for those left behind is the "Tribulation
Force"---Rayford Steele, Buck Williams, and other post-rapture believers committed to sharing
the truth of Christ.
Left Behind: A Novel of the Earth's Last Days
Left Behind Series #1
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Order from Christianbook.com Mass Paperback ("Regular" size paperback)
Description from Christianbook.com:
Cars, suddenly unmanned, careen out of control. Terrified people watch their
loved ones vanish before their eyes. Some say it's an alien invasion, but Rayford Steele knows
that his wife's warning has come true---Christ has raptured his church and Rayford has been
left behind in a world without God's people! But the darkest days are yet to come. . . .
Left Behind The Movie
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Philologos review:
This seems to be another transition film for the religious movie industry.
It has more substance than others I've seen but it almost seems as if they
offered the pivotal main role to a Christian just for the fact that he
professed Christianity instead of finding someone who best fit the
character as portrayed in the books. This unfortunate choice clouds the
whole picture as Mr. Cameron just doesn't have the screen presence to pull
it off effectively. The Israeli scientist, however, is a gem and to a
lesser extent the airline pilot, although not exactly what the books
describe. The main thrust of the movie is the antichrist's machinations to
acquire legal rights to the world's food supply after the rapture has
taken place. Unfortunately, the movie doesn't really have an ending
because it's just a set-up for the next installment in the series (another
cheesy element). This is not the knock-out punch the Christian community
hyped it up to be.
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