Bible As History
by Werner KellerPaperback 2nd Rev edition (December 1983)
Bantam Books (Mm)
ISBN: 0553279432
This book has 57 sample pages available for viewing at Amazon.com
From the 1955 Intro: "Thanks to findings of the archaeologists
many of the Biblical narratives can be better understood now than ever before. There are,
of course, theological insights which can only be dealt with in terms of the Word of God.
But as Professor Andre Parrot, the world-famous French archaeologist, has said: 'How can
we understand the Word, unless we see it in its proper chronological, historical and
geographical setting?'"
Random sample of contents: Traces of the flood under desert sands; A
Royal Palace with 260 apartments and courtyards; Pillars of salt at Jebel Usdum; A
Mesopotamian story about a baby in the bulrushes; Was the Burning Bush a gas-plant? The
library of Ashurbanipal; The Star of Bethlehem; 500 crucifixions daily.
From the Publisher: The Bible As History, now thoroughly updated with
the latest scientific and archaeological breakthroughs in biblical investigation.
Revolutionary new evidence that confirms some of the most monumental and
controversial events in the Bible-including the destruction of Sodom and Gomorra.
Recently deciphered texts from the ancient world that offer an intriguing look
back at the origin of the Ten Commandments.
An entirely new chapter revealing the extraordinary techniques that may soon
prove the authenticity of the Shroud of Turin.
The Bible As History will take you on a breathtaking journey to the heart of
Holy Scripture as it pieces together one of the most stunning spiritual puzzles in the
history of mankind.