Philologos comment: We've been looking at the Holocaust through secular eyes and this little booklet refocuses our attention. The updated version can be read/acquired at which is the author's own website. My copy is an older edition (40 pages). "In a daring hypothesis - turning to ancient Hebrew scriptures as a key of interpretation to the most modern of all events, the Holocaust, - the author brings a challenge both to the agnostic secularist as to the religiously-minded that compels a searching reappraisal of one's deepest convictions. "In this examination of that ultimate tradgedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration as few books have attempted to do. "'We must either forsake entirely our inadequate faith and be abandoned to a worldly cynicism, or be brought into new and unplumbed depths that radically affect - and change - everything.'" Excerpt: "I had the privilege once to meet Elie Wiesel, a Romanian Jew and winner of a Nobel prize for peace. He himself is a survivor of the Holocaust and is probably one of the greatest authorities on the subject of the Holocaust. He is the most beautifully eloquent man and if there was no God, then he is a picture of Jewish nobility and ethical and moral sensitivity that would be the admiration of anyone. If there is a God, however, that very thing that we would otherwise be impressed by becomes questionable in the light of God's indictment on the condition of mankind. "I asked him privately: 'Mr. Wiesel, to what degree would you be willing to acknowledge that the sufferings that we have experienced as Jews, in all of the calamities of our history and including the Holocaust, are the fulfillment of God's judgments forewarned prophetically in the concluding chapters of the books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy?' He looked at me for a moment in that kind of stunned silence and then answered: 'I refuse to consider that.'" End of excerpt.
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