: Appointment With Destiny
by Grant R. JeffreyPaperback - 312 pages
Revised edition (October 1997)
Whitaker House
ISBN: 0921714408 Available at:
From the back cover: As the world rushes toward the new millennium many
are asking:
- Are we the generation that will see the return of Christ?
- Will Israel actually rebuild the Temple?
- Why are the Arabs willing to go to war over Jerusalem?
- Why are the nations arming for Armageddon?
This book will challenge you with its unique discovery that virtually every
major event in the history of Israel has occurred on the anniversary of the Feast of
Passover, Pentecost, Tabernacles, etc. Discover the mysterious role of the Ark of the
Covenant in Israel's past and its role in the rebuilding of the Temple in our day. Explore
powerful prophecies that prove that Jesus is the Messiah. Twenty prophetic signs warn our
generation to prepare for the glorious return of Jesus Christ.