The Death of the Messiah, Volume 1
by Raymond Brown
Paperback - 928 pages
May 18, 1999
Bantam Books
ISBN: 0385494483
Available at:

This book has 38 sample pages available for viewing at Amazon.com
Amazon Book Description
From Publishers Weekly
In a stunning addition to the Anchor Bible Reference Library, Raymond E. Brown, the preeminent
scriptural scholar who won great acclaim for his "The Birth of the Messiah," now crowns a
distinguished career with this much-awaited companion work. The biblical accounts in Matthew, Mark,
Luke and John of the death of Jesus comprise, as Brown points out, "the central narrative in the
Christian story''; and the result of Brown's treatment of them here is an unprecedentedly complete but
amazingly accessible exegesis of those four Gospels' passion narratives. Combining a lucid synthesis
of the vast body of scholarly passion literature with his own insightful explanation of what the
evangelists wrote, Brown breaks down the walls of theological density to recapture the full drama and
meaning of Jesus' final days from his arrest to his execution and burial. While scholars may be
staggered by Brown's exhaustively comprehensive bibliography and assured grasp of its contents, his
introductory division of the passion's unfolding into four "Acts'' and several "Scenes'' will especially
appeal to pastors and devout lay readers. Indeed, rarely has the gap between Christian scholars and
the non-academic faithful been bridged more successfully than in this definitive masterpiece.
Copyright 1994 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
The Death of the Messiah, Volume 2
by Raymond Brown
Paperback - 752 pages
May 18, 1999
Bantam Books
ISBN: 0385494491
Available at:

This book has 66 sample pages available for viewing at Amazon.com
Philologos Comments:
These are very, very thorough. Not an easy readfor those looking for an indepth study of this subject.
For more by the same author, in the same style, please see The Birth of the Messiah.