Table of Contents |
: The Call to Holy War
by Michael L. Brown
Paperback - 339 pages
September 2000
Regal Books
ISBN: 0830726403
Available at:

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Book Description
This book is not a call for the violent overthrow of the government, nor is it a
call to take up arms, nor is it a call to political activism in and of itself.
It is a call to something far more extreme, a call to live out the gospel with
all its radical claims, a call for people of God to impact this generation with
the prophetic message of repentance, a call to spark the most sweeping
counterculture movement in our nations history, a call to take back the moral
ground that has been stolen from under out feet, a call to follow Jesus by life
or by death. In that sense, it is a call to start a revolution--now!
About the Author
Dr. Michael L. Brown is the founder and president of the Brownsville Revival
School of Ministry. He met the Lord in 1971 as a 16-year-old heroin- shooting,
LSD-using, Jewish rock drummer. Since then, he has preached around the world,
written more than a dozen books, lectured at leading seminaries and debated
rabbis on college campuses. He is committed to helping raise up an army of holy
radicals who will spark a spiritual and moral revolution in the land.
of Contents (back)
- Why I Will Never Be a Sunday-Morning Christian
- From Revival to Revolution: The Time is Now!
- Dedication to the Cause: The Fundamental Principle of Revolution
- Subversive Speech: The Language of Revolution
- Exposing the Gods of This Age: The Ideology of Revolution
- Smashing the Idols: The Passion of Revolution
- Moving Music and a Militant Message: The Sounds of Revolution
- Uncompromising Holiness: The Standard of Revolution
- "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" : The Driving Force of
- Take Up Your Cross, Put Down Your Sword: The Jesus Way to Revolution
- To Save Your Life Is to Lose Your Life: The Power of Revolution
- Turn Back, Press In, Step Out: Themes for the Gospel Revolution
- The Great Commission Battle Plan: God's Strategy for Successful Revolution