In His Image (Book One of The Christ Clone Trilogy)
by James BeauSeigneur
Paperback - 366 pages
April 1, 1997
Selectivehouse Pub Inc
ISBN: 0965694852
Available at:
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From the Backcover: What begins as a scientist's plan to prove the
existence of extraterrestrial life by cloning cells found on the Shroud of
Turin, turns into a nightmare of worldwide destruction and the ultimate battle
between good and evil. Tightly woven around the fulfillment of every major
and minor 'end-times' biblical prophecy, as well as major prophecies from more
than a dozen other world religions, the Trilogy is so closely tied to actual
events, it includes nearly 200 footnotes.
Recounting the actual events of a 1978 expedition of American scientists to
examine the Shroud of Turin (believed by millions to be the burial shroud of
Jesus Christ), author James BeauSeigneur takes you to the origins of a
conspiracy that will change the world forever. For unknown to the rest
of the team, one of the scientists, Professor Harold Goodman, makes a
startling discovery: a cluster of dermal cells, still alive after two
thousand years. Based on his discovery and the theories of real life
Nobel Prize winner, Francis Crick, Goodman sets about to prove that the man on
the Shroud was actually a member of an alien race, four billion years advanced
to life on earth. The incredible plan to prove his theory: clone
Jesus! The cloning of Jesus from the cells found on the Shroud sets in
motion forces which trigger worldwide cataclysms, precipitating the end of
life as we know it and ushering in a New Age for the planet.
Though other book and movies Rosemary's Baby, The Omen, The Stand,
The Seventh Sign have played off end-times themes, non have attempted
to hold faithfully to the prophetic texts. Books on the subject written
for the religious market are more attentive to prophecy but generally show
little regard for detail, present a distorted "Sunday-school" view
of the world, and are so maudlin in the presentation that they have little
appeal outside the religious market. The Christ Clone Trilogy is the
first serious treatment of the events of the biblically prophesied end
times. The scholarship in all areas covered (science, history, medicine,
geography, politics, astrophysics, the Bible, the New Age, etc.) is
About the Author: James BeauSeigneur's published works include
technical manuals on strategic defense and military avionics; newspaper
articles; speeches for U.S. Congressional and Senatorial candidates; and lyrics
for several songs. Formerly involved in politics on a full-time bases, Mr.
BeauSeigneur has managed several campaigns and in 1980 ran for U.S. Congress
against Al Gore, now the Vice President. He has four years of experience
in military intelligence including two and half years with the National Security