BPR Mailing List Digest
February 6, 2000

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Russia Today item
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 08:57:17 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

MOSCOW -- Russia's RIA news agency quoted the military as saying on
Friday that a reconnaissance ship would be sent to the Mediterranean Sea
next week in connection with what it said were new NATO moves aimed at

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - At least 30 previously unknown diseases appear since 1973
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 09:11:06 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

  U.S. intelligence sees growing disease threat

                       Updated 11:14 PM ET February 1, 2000

  By Tabassum Zakaria

  WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. intelligence report warned
  Americans Tuesday they were under growing threat from
  infectious diseases brewing in the rest of the world.

  "Senior policymakers are becoming increasingly concerned about
  the implications of growing infectious disease threats for U.S.
  citizens at home and abroad, for U.S. armed forces deployed
  overseas," said John Gannon, chairman of the National
  Intelligence Council.

  He released a new National Intelligence Estimate report, "The
  Global Infectious Disease Threat and Its Implications for the
  United States," at a symposium at the Smithsonian Institution.

  Asia was likely to see a major increase in infectious disease
  deaths driven by the spread of HIV and AIDS, replacing Africa
  as the epicenter of the disease before 2015, he said.

  At least 30 previously unknown diseases have appeared globally
  since 1973, including HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis C, Ebola
  hemorrhagic fever and the encephalitis-related Nipah virus that
  emerged in Indonesia last year, Gannon said. "Many are still
  incurable," he added.

Full Story:

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - School video tells children to try gay sex
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 09:15:09 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

January 30 2000

            Schools video tells children
             to try gay sex

         Rosie Waterhouse and James Clark

 A VIDEO that encourages schoolchildren as young as 14 to
 experiment with gay sex has caused outrage among MPs and
 family campaigners. The film, now available in 180 schools,
 also asks pupils aged 14-16 to discuss whether a fictional
 15-year-old boy - Michael - should have unprotected gay
 sex with his boyfriend.

 The Department of Health faced furious calls last night to
 step in and block the teaching pack, which was paid for by
 Avon health authority using public money.

 The pack - called Beyond a Phase: A Practical Guide to
 Challenging Homophobia in Schools - is being cited by
 campaigners as a prime example of why Labour should
 abandon plans to scrap section 28, the law that forbids the
 promotion of homosexuality in schools. The 14-minute film
 would be a clear breach of the law if health authorities were
 not exempted from section 28.

 In it a young college student called Karl tells his audience of
 school pupils that to obtain sexual satisfaction they should
 "try experimenting with both boys and girls to see who you
 feel most comfortable with".

 Valerie Riches, of the Family and Youth Campaign pressure
 group, said: "This puts concepts and activities into the minds
 of youngsters they would not normally think about."

 Last night Liam Fox, the Conservative health spokesman,
 said few parents would want their children "exposed" to the
 film and said he would demand that the Department of
 Health investigate.

 The video shows young people talking about "coming out"
 and their experiences of homosexual relationships and
 includes images of young gay couples kissing. At one point,
 pupils are asked: "Michael is 15 and his boyfriend wants him
 to have sex. He really wants to, but he is nervous. Michael
 knows he should use a condom, but doesn't know where to
 go for help. What should he do?"

 The teaching pack plus video was produced last year by
 Health Promotion Services Avon in Bristol, which runs health
 and sex education programmes for the health authority. It
 cost about £9,000 to produce the £30 video.

 Health Promotion Services Avon said: "The video and
 teachers pack promotes the values of tolerance and
 understanding and that everyone has a right to be accepted
 whatever their sexuality."

 A spokesman for Avon health authority said: "We have
 reviewed Beyond a Phase and in our view it treats a difficult
 subject with great sensitivity. Local teachers consider it a
 valuable resource and we fully support its use in schools."

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Catholic priests dying of AIDS, often in silence
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 09:22:52 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

Catholic priests are dying of AIDS, often in silence

               Related Sites:
               • Special report: AIDS in the Priesthood

By JUDY L. THOMAS - The Kansas City Star Date: 01/29/00 22:15

Hundreds of Roman Catholic priests across the United States have died of
AIDS-related illnesses, and hundreds more are living with HIV, the virus that
causes the disease.

The actual number of AIDS deaths is difficult to determine. But it appears
priests are dying of AIDS at a rate at least four times that of the general U.S.
population, according to estimates from medical experts and priests and an
analysis of health statistics by The Kansas City Star.

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - US biological attack said inevitable
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 09:25:38 -0500

From: "Moza" <>

US Biological Attack Said Inevitable

By Michelle Williams
Associated Press Writer
Friday, Feb. 4, 2000; 10:32 p.m. EST

SAN DIEGO -- Terrorists will likely attack the United States with the small
pox or anthrax viruses within the next five to 10 years, says an expert who
warns the country is unprepared.

Full Story:
The Washington Post

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To: (BPR Mailing List)
Subject: [BPR] - Earth's Second Moon
Date: Sun, 6 Feb 2000 19:59:42 -0500

From: "Moza" <>


A 3-mile-wide Trojan asteroid named Cruithne has become Earth's second
moon. It completes an eccentric horseshoe orbit every 770 years and will
continue to do so for at least another 5,000 years. Cruithne is unlikely
to be the first or last asteroid captured in this way but a team from
Queen Mary and Westfield University in London say that it is "almost
impossible" for asteroids in such orbits to hit us.

SPA Electronic News Bulletin -

"Cruithne" ("Cruidne") has seven sons "for whom the Pictish race and the
seven principal divisions of Pictish territory were said to be named."

"Cruithne is given only a father in the Colbertine MS (Cruidne filius Cinge),
but in the Irish version of the "Historia Britonum" he is given the following
pedigree, tracing all the way back to the Biblical Noah: Cruithne mic Cinge
mic Luchtain mic Parrthalan mic Agnoinn mic Buain mic Mais mic
Fathecht mic Jafeth mic Noe."

Pict: a member of a possibly non-Celtic people who once occupied Great
Britain, carried on continual border wars with the Romans, and about the
ninth century became amalgamated with the Scots. (Webster's)

CRUITHNE, CRUITHNICH, men of the grain, confers exactly with the Celtic
"Breatan," a Briton or Pict. Some have said that the original bearer of this
name had seven eponymous children who divided Alba (Scotland) among
themselves, thus naming the ancient provinces: Cet (Marr and Buchan);
Fiobh (Fife); Cirech (Angus and Mearns); Cat(Caithness); Folta (Atholl);
Moireabh (Moray) and Fortriu (Strathearn). Two thousand years before the
Christian era, legend says that the Cruithne, who lived on the Continent,
were hired by the Milesians of Ireland as mercenaries. The Irish people who
lived about Inver Slaigne in the extreme southwest were, at the time, plagued
by a tribe of virulent visitors from the east who were decimating the
population using poisoned arrows. The Picts were were invited to fight for the
Irish in return for land and pay. They were successful at eliminating the
unwanted element, and were rewarded with a grant of land. Sadly, they were
almost as barbaric as the earlier strangers and the chief of that quarter, a
man named Crimmthann decided that they needed to be persuaded to "pass
on over." Three Pictish chieftains were therefore given Irish wives and granted
land in Alba, and according to Seumas McManus this was their wellspring in
the land now called Scotland. This is not a universal interpretation of events;
it is more usually supposed that the Picts were the early Britons and they
are thought to have been in place in Scotland before the Gaels arrived in
Ireland .

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