The Two Babylons
or The Papal Worship
Proved to be the Worship of Nimrod
and His Wife
By the Late Rev. Alexander Hislop
First published as a pamphlet in
1853 expanded in 1858

Rev. Hislop's work has lately been questioned, most
notably by Ralph Woodrow's book "The Babylon Connection"
(excerpts at
I have read that particular book and find it unconvincing and confusing in
its own right and still feel that "The Two Babylons'"
inclusion on this website is warranted as a scholarly work delving into
the area of error within the church (wherever it's found and from wherever
it came ultimately IS Babylon). You will not get too far in your
research of church history without coming across references to this book
and that is the reason we have included it here a reference work not
as something to be used to beat someone else over the head with (like some
use the Bible itself).
Please be advised of the controversial nature of this
work (besides the contentious title itself) and, like every other area of
study, check it out and prayerfully decide for yourself.

Chapter I
Distinctive Character of the Two Systems (35k)
Chapter II
Objects of Worship
Section I. Trinity in Unity (22k)
Section II. The Mother and Child, and the Original of the Child
Sub-Section I.
The Child in Assyria (57k)
Sub-Section II. The Child in Egypt (22k)
Sub-Section III. The Child in Greece (28k)
Sub-Section IV. The Death of the Child (10k)
Sub-Section V. The Deification of the Child (61k)
Section III.
The Mother of the Child (73k)
Chapter III
Section I. Christmas and Lady-day (35k)
Section II. Easter (41k)
Section III. The Nativity of St. John (42k)
Section IV. The Feast of the Assumption (11k)
See Chapter V, Section IV regarding Cupid (St. Valentine's Day)
Chapter IV
Doctrine and Discipline
Section I. Baptismal Regeneration (47k)
Section II. Justification by Works (39k)
Section III. The Sacrifice of the Mass (25k)
Section IV. Extreme Unction (6k)
Section V. Purgatory and Prayers for the Dead (10k)
Chapter V
Rites and Ceremonies
Section I. Idol Procession (15k)
Section II. Relic Worship (16k)
Section III. The Clothing and Crowning of Images (17k)
Section IV. The Rosary and the Worship of the Sacred Heart (10k)
Section V. Lamps and Wax-Candles (18k)
Section VI. The Sign of the Cross (21k)
Chapter VI
Religious Orders
Section I. The Sovereign Pontiff (36k)
Section II. Priests, Monks, and Nuns (19k)
Chapter VII
The Two Developments Historically and Prophetically Considered
Section I. The Great Red Dragon (79k)
Section II. The Beast from the Sea (44k)
Section III. The Beast from the Earth (22k)
Section IV. The Image of the Beast (26k)
Section V. The Name of the Beast, the Number of His Name
Invisible Head of the Papacy (47k)

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Of interest:
Info from our Reference Guide:
A Woman Rides the Beast, Dave Hunt
Chapters 1, 6, 7, 9, 12 online.

Special thanks to Moza, a research member of Philologos and
Bible Prophecy Research, for providing this
electronic copy. THIS BOOK HAS BEEN EDITED. Any corrections or questions may be directed
to the following address:
The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop
Philologos Edition: Apr1901
"... freely ye have received, freely give." (Mat 10:8)