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A Commentary on the New Testament
from the Talmud and Hebraica
John Lightfoot
A Chorographical Century
Chapters 61-70

Chapter 61
Caphar Hananiah. The Middle of Galilee.
It seems also to be called 'Caphar Hanan': hence "R. Jacob of Caphar Hanan."
Mention is made of this place once and again: "If any one have five sheep in
Caphar Hananiah, and five more in Caphar Uthni, they are not joined together,"
that is, they are not numbered to be tithed, "until he hath one in Zippor."--The
Gloss is, "From Caphar Uthni to Caphar Hananiah, are two-and-thirty miles, and Zippor
is in the middle."
"The men of the family of Mamal, and the men of the family of Gorion, in the years
of dearth, distributed to the poor figs and raisins in Arumah. And the poor of Caphar
Shichin, and the poor of Caphar Hanaiah, came: and when it now grew dark, they
contained themselves within the bounds [of the sabbath], and in the morning
went forward." The Gloss is, "Arumah is the name of a place. The poor of Caphar
Shichin were neighbours to those of Arumah, being distant only four thousand (cubits)."
Which distance exceeding a sabbath-day's journey, the poor, before the coming-in of the
sabbath, contained themselves within the bounds of Arumah; that, the morning following,
they might betake themselves to the houses of those that distributed their charity, and
not break the sabbath. He that turns over the Talmudical writers will meet with very
frequent mention of this city.
You observe before in Pliny, that Sycaminum was seated between Dor and Carmel; and in
the Talmudic writers, that the plenty of sycamines began at Caphar Hananiah.
Chapter 62
The disposition of the tribes in Galilee.
The country of Samaria contained only two tribes, and those of the brethren, Ephraim
and Manasses: Galilee four, Issachar, Zebulun, Nephthalim, and Asher, and a part also of
the Danites.
The maps agree indeed about the order in which these tribes were seated, but about the
proper place of their situation, Oh how great a disagreement is there among them! The
tribe of Issachar held the south country of Galilee: some maps place it on the south of
the sea of Gennesaret, not illy: but it is ill done of them to stretch it unto the sea
itself: and others, worst of all, who set it on the west of that sea. Of this land
Josephus writes thus; "And after these (the Manassites) Issachar maketh mount Carmel
and the river her bounds in length, and mount Itaburion in breadth."
The country of Zabulon touched upon that of Issachar on the north. Some maps spread it
out unto the sea of Gennesaret; some place it a long way above that sea northwardly; the
former not well,--the latter exceedingly ill. Of it thus writes the same Josephus,
"The Zabulonites had for their portion the land unto Gennesaret, extending unto
Carmel and the sea." Observing that clause, "unto Gennesaret," we
(persuaded also by the Talmudical writers, and led by reason) do suppose the land of
Zabulon to lie on the south shore and coast of the sea of Gennesaret, and that whole sea
to be comprised within the land of Nephthali. With what arguments, we are led we shew
afterward, when we treat of that sea. Which assertion, we know, is exposed, and lies open
to this objection:--
Object. Josephus saith, in the place but now quoted, that, "the upper parts
of Galilee unto mount Libanus, and the springs of Jordan," belonged to the portion of
Nephthali. But now if you stretch the portion of Nephthali from the springs of Jordan to
the utmost southern coast of the sea of Gennesaret (which our opinion does), alas, how
much doth this exceed the proportion of the other tribes! For from Scythopolis, the utmost
south border of Galilee, to the south coast of the sea of Gennesaret, was not above
fifteen miles: within which space the whole breadth of the two tribes of Issachar and
Zabulon is contained. But from the south coast of Gennesaret to the springs of Jordan,
were about forty miles; which to assign to the land of Nephthali alone, is neither
proportionable nor congruous.
Ans. This objection indeed would have some weight in it, if the land of
Nephthali did extend itself eastwardly as much as the land of Issachar and Zabulon. For
these run out as far as the Mediterranean sea; but that hath the land of Asher, and the
jurisdiction of Tyre and Sidon lying between it and the sea. So that when the breadth of
those countries is measured from south to north, the breadth of this is measured from east
to west. There is therefore no such great inequality between these, when this is contained
in the like straits of breadth with them, and they enjoy the like length with this.
The confines of the land of Nephthali bounded the land of Asher on one side, and those
of Tyre and Sidon on the other: and this land, in the same manner as the portion of
Nephthali, extends itself in length from south to north; and (which somewhat agrees with
our opinion, and answers the objection mentioned before) Josephus allows it a greater
length than we do the land of Nephthali, or at least equal to it. For, "The Asherites
possess all that hollow valley so called, because it is such that runs from Carmel to
Chapter 63
The west coast of Galilee-Carmel.
The people of Issachar had "Carmel and the river for their bounds in length":
the people of Zabulon, "Carmel and the sea."
Carmel was not so much one mountain as a mountainous country, containing almost the
whole breadth of the land of Issachar, and a great part of that of Zabulon. It was, as it
seems, a certain famous peak among many other mountain tops, known by the same name,
lifted up and advanced above the rest. The promontory Carmel, in Pliny, and in the
mountain a town of the same name, heretofore called Ecbatane; where probably
Vespasian sometimes consulted the oracle of the god Carmel.
The sea washes upon the foot of the mountain. "R. Samuel Bar Chaiah Bar Judah
said, in the name of R. Chaninah, Any one sitting upon mount Carmel when the orb of the
setting sun begins now to disappear, if he goes down and washes himself in the great sea,
and goes up and eats his Truma, it is to be presumed that he washed in the day time."
"Carmel and the river." What is that river? Kishon, say the maps: for some
describe it not far from Carmel, pouring out itself into the sea: and that not without a
reason, fetched from 1 Kings 18:40. But you must suppose Kishon to flow south of
Carmel,--not, as some would have it, on the north.
"The lake Cendevia flows at the foot of Carmel; and out of it the river Pagida or
Bel, mingling glassy sands with its small shore"; so Pliny,--who hath moreover these
words, "Near is the colony of Claudius Caesar, Ptolemais, heretofore Ace, the town
Ecdippa, the white promontory, Tyrus, heretofore an island, &c. Thence are the town
Ide [otherwise Enhydra], and Sarepta, and Ornithon; and Sidon, skillful in making
glass," &c.
These places you may call not so much the bounds of Galilee as of Phoenicia: for in
Ptolemais itself, or Acon, was the separation and parting of the land of Israel from
Phoenicia. Hence Josephus, "Phoenice and Syria do compass the two Galilees, the upper
and the nether so called: and Ptolemais and Carmel set bounds to the country on the
west."--What! do Ptolemais and Carmel stint the whole length of Galilee on the west?
He had said elsewhere, which we also have produced elsewhere, that the land of Nephthali
was extended as far as mount Libanus (on the north): alas, how far behind Ptolemais! And
the land Asher was extended so far also: but "Ptolemais was the sea-borders of
Palestine" (to use Pliny's words), for from hence onward were the territories of Tyre
and Sidon; and Galilee was not now bounded any longer by the sea, but by those
We saw in the scheme produced by us in the second chapter of this little work, wherein
the compass of the land under the second Temple is briefly described, how, "The walls
of Aco" are there set for a bound; and that in the sense which we speak of, which
afterward also will appear more....
Chapter 64
Acon. Ptolemais.
"Ptolemais" (which is also called Acon) "is a city of Galilee on the
sea-coast, situate in a great champaign, but it is compassed with hills; on the east,
sixty furlongs off, with the hill-country of Galilee; on the south with Carmel, distant a
hundred and twenty furlongs; on the north, with a very high mountain which is called
Climax" (or the ladder), "belonging to the Tyrians, and is a hundred furlongs
distant. Two miles off of that city the river Beleus flows, a very small one, near which
is the sepulchre of Memnon; having about it the space of a hundred cubits, but well worthy
admiration. For it is in the form of a round valley, affording glassy sand, which when
many ships coming thither have gathered, the place is again replenished."
"From Acon onwards to the north" (is heathen land), and Acon itself is
reckoned for the north (that is, for heathen land).
"In Acon the land of Israel is, and is not." And therefore, "R. Josi Ben
Hananiah kissed the arch of Acon, and said, Hitherto is the land of Israel."
"R. Simeon Ben Gamaliel said, I saw Simeon Ben Cahna drinking wine in Acon,
&c. But was it within the bounds of the land or not?" See the author of Juchasin
disputing largely of this matter, in the place of the margin.
There was the bath of Venus in Acon: Where R. Gamaliel washing, was asked by a
certain heathen (whose name in the Babylonian 'Proculus, the son of the philosopher'),
"What have you to do with the bath of Venus,--Then it is written in your law,
'There shall not cleave to thy hand any of the accursed thing?' He answered, I must not
answer you in the bath" (because you must not speak of the law when you stand naked).
"When he came out therefore he said, I went not into her bounds, but she came into
mine." (The Gloss is, 'The bath was before she was.') "And we say not, Let us
make a fair bath for Venus,--but, Let us make a fair Venus for the bath," &c.
A story, done at Acon before R. Judah, is related, not unworthy to be mentioned.
"Rabbi came to a certain place, and saw the men of that place baking their dough in
uncleanness. When he inquired of them, Why they did so, they answered, A certain scholar
came hither, and taught us, the waters are not of those waters (that bring pollution). He
spake of the waters of eggs; but they thought that he spake of the waters of the
marshes." These things we have the more willingly produced, that the reader may
see that the letter ain was no sound with these; examples like to which we bring
elsewhere. Now hear the Glosser; "Rabbi saw this (saith he) in Acon, in which is
Israelitic land and heathen land:--now he saw them standing within the limits of
Israelitic land, and baking their dough in uncleanness, and wondered, until they told him,
A certain scholar came hither," &c.
Caphar Acon, is very frequently mentioned by the Talmudists.
"A city which produceth fifteen hundred footmen, as Caphar Acon, if nine
dead persons be carried out thence in three days successively, behold! it is the plague:
but if in one day, or in four days, then it is not the plague. And a city which produceth
five hundred foot, as Caphar Amiku," &c.
Hence are the names of some Acon Rabbins; as,
"R. Tanchum, the son of R. Chaia of Caphar Acon."
"R. Simeon Ben Judah, A man of Caphar Acon."
"R. Abba of Acon": and others.
Weigh this story: "One brought a bill of divorce to R. Ismael; who said to him,
Whence are you? He answered, From Caphar Samai, which is in the confines of Acon.--Then
it is needful, saith he, that you say, It was written, I being present,--and sealed, I
being present. When he went out, R. Illai said unto him, Is not Caphar Samai of the land
of Israel, being nearer to Zippor than Acon?" And a little after: "The cities
which are in the borders of Zippor near to Acon, and which are in the borders of Acon near
to Zippor, what will you do concerning them? As Acon is, so is Zippor."
Chapter 65
Ecdippa. Achzib. Joshua 19:29; Judges 1:31. Climax of the Tyrians.
"Travelling from Acon to Achzib, on the right hand of the way, eastwardly, it is
clean, from the notion of heathen land, and is bound to tithes, and to the law of the
seventh year, until you are certified that it is free. On the left hand of the way,
westward, it is unclean, under the notion of Gentile land; and it is free from tithes, and
from the law concerning the seventh year, till you are certified it is bound to those
things, even until you come to Achzib." The Gemara hath these words: but the text, on
which is this commentary, is this: "The three countries" (namely, Judea,
Galilee, and Perea) "are bound to the law of the seventh year: whatsoever they
possessed, who came up out of Babylon, from the land of Israel unto Chezib (the
Jerusalem Misna read Ghezib), is not fed nor tilled: but whatsoever they possessed,
who came up out of Egypt, from Chezib to the river, and to Amanah, is fed, but not tilled:
from the river and from Amanah, inwards, is fed and tilled."
Of Amanah we shall speak by and by. "The river (saith R. Solomon upon the place)
is the river of Egypt."--"And Chezib (saith Rambam) is the name of a place,
which divided between the land of Israel, which they possessed that came up out of
Babylon, and that land which they possessed that came up out of Egypt. Now that land,
which they possessed that came up out of Egypt, as to the Demai" (or doubt of
tithing), "is, as it were, without the land." Hence is that in the text, on
which he makes this comment, "From Chezib, and beyond, is free from the Demai."
The word Chezib, and Achzib, at last passed into Ecdippa,
according to the manner of the Syrian dialect; to which it is common to change zain of the
Hebrews into daleth.
"Climax (or the ladder) of the Tyrians," in the Talmudists is, 'The
ladder of Tyre.' "Before they came to Climax of the Tyrians, they forgot
all."--The discourse is, in the place cited, about some Romans sent to Rabban
Gamaliel, to inquire of the Jewish law.
Of him also is this story, and of the same place: "When he went sometime out of
Chezib, one came to him, to ask him of a certain vow of his. He said to him, who went with
him, Tell him, that we have drunk an Italian quart of wine. He saith to him, Well. He
saith to him that asked, Go with us, until our wine be allayed. When they came to the
ladder of the Tyrians, Rabban Gamaliel came down, and veils himself, and, sitting,
resolved his vow. From this example we learn these things, that a quart of wine makes one
drunk, that the way allays wine," &c.
Let this be marked by the way, that it is said "A quart of wine makes drunk":
and let it be compared with what R. Chaia saith, "Four pots (to be drunk by every one
in their sacred feasts) contain an Italian quart of wine": and judge how soberly they
carried it in those feasts, if they mingled not much water with their wine.
Chapter 66
The northern coasts of Galilee. Amanah. The mountain of snow.
This coast is described by Moses, Numbers 34:7: "From the Great Sea to mount Hor:
from mount Hor to the entrance of Hamath," &c.
Mount Hor, in the Jewish writers, is Amanah; mention of which occurs, Canticles 4:8,
where R. Solomon thus: "Amanah is a mount in the northern coast of the land of
Israel, which in the Talmudical language is called, The mountainous plain of Amanon; the
same with mount Hor."
In the Jerusalem Targum, for mount 'Hor' is the mount Manus: but the Targum of
Jonathan renders it The mountain Umanis.
"What (say the Jerusalem writers) is of the land of Israel, and what without the
land? Whatsoever comes down from mount Amanah inwards is of the land of Israel; whatsoever
is without the mountainous place of Amanah is without the land."
And a little after; "R. Justa Bar Shunem said, When the Israelites that
return" (from their dispersion), "shall have arrived at the mountainous places
of Amanah, they shall sing a song; which is proved from that which is said (Canticles
4:8), He renders it, Thou shalt sing from the head of Amanah."
There was also a river of the same name with the mountain, of which the Targum in that
place; "They that live by the river Amanah, and they that live on the top of the
mountain of snow, shall offer thee a present." And the Aruch, which we have noted
before, writes thus; "Kirmion is a river in the way to Damascus, and is the same with
"The mountain of snow," among the paraphrasts and Talmudists, is the same
with Hermon. The Samaritan interpreter upon Deuteronomy 4:48, "To the mountain of
snow which is Hermon." And the Jerusalem writers say, "They built for the
daughters of the Midianites little booths of hurdles from Beth-Jeshimon unto the mountain
of snow, and placed there women selling cakes."
The Jerusalem Targum upon Numbers 35 writes thus; "The mountain of snow at
Caesarea" (Philippi). See also Jonathan there.
Chapter 67
Pamias. Paneas, the spring of Jordan.
The maps assign a double spring of Jordan; but by what right it scarce appears; much
less does it appear by what right they should call this Jor,--and that Dan.
There is indeed mention in Josephus of little Jordan and great Jordan. Hence, as it seems,
was the first original of the double spring in the maps, and of a double river at those
first springs. For thus Josephus; "There are fountains (in Daphne) which send little
Jordan, as it is called, into the great." He treats, in the text cited, of the lake
Samochonitis, and saith, "That the fens of it are extended to the country Daphne,
which, as it is otherwise pleasant, so it contains springs, from which issue little
Jordan," &c.
Riblah (that we may note this by the way) by the Targumists is rendered Daphne. They,
upon Numbers 34:11, for that which is in the Hebrew, "And the border shall go down to
Riblah," render it, "And the border shall go down to Daphne." See also
Aruch in Daphne. But this certainly is not that Daphne of which Josephus here
speaks; which will sufficiently appear by those things that follow. But as to the things
before us:--
I. Both he and the Talmudists assign Panium or Paneas to be the spring of Jordan; nor
do they name another.
"Near Panium, as they call it (saith he), is a most delightful cave in a mountain;
and under it the land hollowing itself into a huge vale, full of standing waters. Over it
a great mountain hangs; and under the cave, rise the springs of the river Jordan."
And again, "By the springs of Jordan: now the place is called Panium."
And elsewhere, "Panium seems to be the fountain of Jordan": and more may be
read there.
The Talmudists write thus; "Rabh saith, Jordan riseth out of the cave of Pamias:
and so is the tradition."
"R. Isaac saith, Leshem is Pamias." The Gloss is, "Leshem is a
city which the Danites subdued (Judg 18:29): Pamias is a place whence Jordan
And Pliny, "The river of Jordan ariseth out of the fountain Paneas."
II. That fountain of Jordan was the so-much-famed fountain of 'little Jordan,' as it is
called. For so it is plainly collected from Josephus. Concerning the Danites invading
Laish, or Leshem, which being subdued they called Dan, he speaks thus; "But they,
travelling a day's journey through the great plain of Sidon, not far from mount Libanus,
and the springs of lesser Jordan, observe the land to be good and fruitful, and shew it
unto their tribe; who, invading it with an army, build the city Dan."
In like manner speaking of Jeroboam, he saith these things; "He built two temples
for the golden calves,--one in Beth-el, the other in Dan, which is at the springs of
little Jordan."
You may certainly wonder and be amazed that the fountain of Little Jordan should be so
famed and known; and in the mean time, the fountain of Great Jordan to lie hid, not to be
spoken of, and to be buried in eternal obscurity. What! is the less worthy of so
much fame; and the greater, of none at all? Let us have liberty to speak freely
what we think, with the leave of chorographers.
I. It does not appear that any other river of Jordan flows into the lake Samochonitis
beside that which ariseth from Paneas. In what author will you find the least sign of such
a river? But only that such a conjecture crept into the maps, and into the minds of men,
out of the before alleged words of Josephus, misconceived.
II. We think, therefore, that Jordan is called the Greater and the Less, not upon any
account of two fountains, or two rivers, different and distant from one another; but upon
account of the distinct greatness of the same river. Jordan, rising out of Paneas, was
called Little, until it flowed into the lake Samochonitis; but afterward coming out of
that lake, when it had obtained a great increase from that lake, it was thenceforth called
Jordan the Greater. Samochonitis received Little Jordan, and sent forth the Great. For
since both that lake and the country adjacent was very fenny, as appears out of
Josephus,--the lake was not so much increased by Jordan flowing into it, as it increased
Jordan flowing out of it. "Moors and fenny places possess the parts about the lake
Samochonitis." The river, therefore, below Samochonitis seems to be called 'Jordan';
above Samochonitis, 'Little Jordan.'
Caesarea Philippi was built at Paneas, the fountain of Jordan: which let the maps
observe that they place it not too remote thence. "Philip built the city Caesarea in
Paneas, at the springs of the Jordan." And also, "Having finished Paneas, he
named it Caesarea."
Chapter 68
What is to be said of the sea of Apamia.
'The sea of Apamia' is reckoned the seventh among those seas that compass the land of
Israel; which word hath a sound so near akin to the word Pamias, by which name the Rabbins
point out the fountains of Jordan,--that the mention of that word cannot but excite the
memory of this, yea, almost persuade that both design one and the same place: and that the
sea Apamia was nothing else but some great collection of waters at the very springs of
This also might moreover be added to strengthen that persuasion, that, in both places,
in the quotations cited in the Jerusalem Talmud, these words are added; "The sea of
Apamia is the same with the sea of Chamats, which Diocletianus, by the gathering
together of the waters, caused to be made." But now that Diocletianus, whosoever he
was (we prove elsewhere that he was the emperor), lived sometime at Paneas; as is clear
also from the same Talmud.
But the thing is otherwise. Pamias and Apamia were different places, and far distant
from each other: one in the land of Israel; the other in the confines indeed of the land
of Israel, but in Syria.
Let this tradition be marked:--"Ariston brought his first-fruits from Apamia, and
they were received: for they said, He that hath a possession in Syria, is as if he had it
in the suburbs of Jerusalem." The Gloss is, "Apamia is the name of a place in
And these things do appear more clearly in the Targumists, to omit other authors. The
Samaritan interpreter renders the word Shepham, Numbers 34:10, by Apamia with Ain.
(Note Shin changed into Ain; note also, in the word Bozor, 2 Peter 2:15, Ain changed into
Shin.) Jonathan reads it Apamia, with Aleph: for "From Shepham to
Riblah," he renders 'From Apamia to Daphne.'
Chapter 69
The lake Samochonitis [or Semechonitis.]
In the Holy Scriptures it is the 'Water of Merom,' Joshua 11:5. In the Babylonian
Talmudists it is 'The Sibbechean sea.' Hence is that, "Jordan ariseth out of the cave
of Paneas, and flows into the Sibbechean sea." In the Jerusalem Talmudists, sometimes
it is 'The sea of Cobebo,' as we have noted before; and sometimes 'The sea of Samaco';
whence in other languages it is 'Samachonitis.'
"The lake Semechonitis is thirty furlongs in breadth, and sixty in length. The
fens of it are stretched out unto the country Daphne; a country, as it is otherwise
pleasant, so containing fountains: [Greek passage omitted]. The scruple lies concerning
the pointing...The sentence and sense seems indeed to flow more smoothly, if you should
render it thus, "The springs which, nourishing Little Jordan, as it is called, send
it out into the Great, under the temple of the golden calf": but then a just doubt
ariseth of the situation of that temple. That clause, therefore, is rather to be referred
to the foregoing, so that the sense may go thus; "The springs, which, nourishing
Little Jordan, as it is called, under the temple of the golden calf, send it into the
Great": and so you have the temple of the golden calf at the springs of Jordan, and
the place adjacent called Daphne, and the marshes of Samochonitis reaching thither.
The Jerusalem Gemarists do thus explain those words of Ezekiel, 47:8: "These
waters go forth into the east coast: that is, into the lake Samochonitis. And they
shall go down into the plain; that is, into the sea of Tiberias. And they shall go out
into the sea; that is, into the Dead Sea."
"The city Hazor (saith Josephus) lies on the lake Semechonitis." This city is
the metropolis of Canaan, that is, of that northern country, which is known by that name:
which is called also 'Galilee of the Gentiles.' Jabin the king of Hazor, and others, fight
with Joshua at the waters of Merom, that is, at the lake Samochonitis, Joshua 11:4. And
Jonathan in the same place, as it seems, with the army of Demetrius, "in the plain of
Asor," as the same Josephus writes. But, in the Book of the Maccabees, it is,
"The plain of Nasor," 1 Maccabees 11:67.
Chapter 70
The lake of Gennesaret; or, the sea of Galilee and Tiberias.
Jordan is measured at one hundred and twenty furlongs, from the lake of Samochonitis to
that of Gennesaret. That lake, in the Old Testament, is 'The sea of Chinnereth,' Numbers
34:11, &c. In the Targumists, 'The sea of Genesar'; sometimes, 'of Genesor';
sometimes, 'of Ginosar': it is the same also in the Talmudists, but most frequently
'The sea of Tiberiah.' Both names are used by the evangelists; 'the lake of
Gennesaret,' Luke 5:1; 'the sea of Tiberias,' John 21:1; and 'the sea of Galilee,' John
The name 'Chinnereth' passed into 'Genesar,' in regard of the pleasantness of the
country, well filled with gardens and paradises: of which we shall speak afterward.
[chapter 79]
It is disputed by the Jerusalem Talmudists, why 'Chinneroth' occurs sometimes in the
plural number; as Joshua 11:2, 'The south of Chinneroth'; and Joshua 12:3, 'The sea of
Chinneroth.' "Thence (say they) are there two Gennesarets?" Or there were "but
two castles, as Beth-Jerach, and Sinnabris, which are towers of the people of
Chinnereth; but the fortification is destroyed, and fallen into the hands of the
Gentiles"...Sinnabri in the Talmudists is Sennabris, in Josephus, being
distant from Tiberias thirty furlongs. For he tells us, that Vespasian encamped thirty
furlongs from Tiberias, "at a certain station, that might easily be seen by the
innovators, called Sennabris." He speaks also of the town, Ginnabrin, not far
distant certainly from this place. For describing the country about Jordan, he saith, that
from both regions of it runs out a very long back of mountains, but distant some miles
from the river: on this side, from the region of Scythopolis to the Dead Sea; on that
side, from Julias to Somorrha, towards the rock of Arabia: and that there lies a plain
between, which is called "the great plain, lying along from the town Gennabrin to the
lake Asphaltites."
The same Josephus writes thus of the lake Gennesaret: "The lake Gennesar is so
called from the adjacent country, being forty furlongs in breadth, and moreover a hundred
in length; it is both sweet and excellent to drink."
Pliny thus;--"Jordan, upon the first fall of the valleys, pours itself into the
lake, which many call Genesar, sixteen miles long and six miles broad."
"The sea of Tiberias is like the gliding waters." While the masters produce
these words, they discourse what is to be thought of those waters, where the unclean fish
swim together with the clean; whether such waters are fit to boil food or no: and it is
answered, 'Flowing and gliding waters are fit; those that do not glide are not; and that
the lake of Gennesaret is to be numbered among gliding waters.'
The Jews believe, or feign, that this lake is beloved by God above all the lakes of the
land of Canaan. "Seven seas (say they) have I created, saith God, and of them all I
have chosen none but the sea of Gennesaret." Which words, perhaps, were invented for
the praise of the university at Tiberias, that was contiguous to this lake; but they are
much more agreeable to truth, being applied to the very frequent resorts of our Saviour

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