Selected Writings of John
Visit the Chapel Library for additional
of John Bunyan's work not presented here.

1. An Exposition on the
First Ten Chapters of Genesis and Part of the Eleventh

2. Of Antichrist, and His Ruin:
and of the Slaying of the Witnesses

3. The Holy City; or,
the New Jerusalem
 | Intro |
 | First. The Vision
of the Holy City in General |
 | Second. A Discovery
of Its Defence, Entrances, and Fashion in Particular |
 | Third. A Relation
of the Glory of the City, Its Walls, Gates, and Foundations |
 | Fourth. The
Inhabitants of the City, Their Quality, and Numerousness |
 | Fifth. The
Provision and Maintenance of the City, by Which It Continueth in Life, Ease, Peace,
Tranquility, and Sweetness For Ever |

4. The Resurrection of
the Dead, and Eternal Judgment or The Truth of the Resurrection of the Bodies Both
Good and Bad at the Last Day: Asserted, and Proved by God's Word.
Also, the Manner and Order of Their Coming
Forth of Their Graves; as Also, With What Bodies They Do Arise. Together With a Discourse
of the Last Judgment, and the Final Conclusion of the Whole World

5. The Strait Gate or
Great Difficulty of Going to Heaven
Plainly Proving, by the Scriptures, That Not
Only the Rude and Profane, But Many Great Professors, Will Come Short of That Kingdom

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Special thanks to Moza, a research member of Philologos and the Bible
Prophecy Research, for providing this electronic copy. THIS BOOK HAS
BEEN EDITED. Any corrections or questions may be directed to this address: moza@butterfly.mv.com
Selected Writings of John Bunyan
Revised: Thursday, April 12, 2001
"... freely ye have received, freely give." (Mat 10:8)